Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Wealthy Affiliate 3.0 - Coming Soon!

Wealthy Affiliate 3.0

The Biggest Upgrade Wealthy Affiliate has Ever Seen... is Coming...

Update: wealthy affiliate is terrible ever since 2008. Ignore this. But if you're looking for the best dallas seo company, check out LeadLocals.com

We have BIG plans for Wealthy Affiliate in 2008 and in the first week of the New Year you are going to experience WA explode into a brand new system.
You Spoke... and we listened! Many enhancements in the new system were built based on what "You" had to say. Of course we have added entirely new features, but as we roll out WA 3.0 you will see many things members have asked for.
We want to wish you and your family a safe and happy holiday! Get ready to kick 2008 off with a BOOM! WA 3.0 is coming...
-Kyle & Carson

With the release of Wealthy Affiliate 3.0 - there might be a price increase. 2.0 brought us some GREAT tools and products, as well as training... you might want to sign up for wealthy affiliate now while the price is LOW!

Make Money Online with Affiliate Marketing

Wealthy Affiliate Review - How Does It Compare To Google Assassin?

Wealthy Affiliate Review

Wealthy Affiliate University was created by a couple of guys who practically stumbled into Affiliate Marketing. Kyle and Carson have created an amazing program with the Wealthy Affiliate Training System.

I've recently seen some questions about how Wealthy Affiliate compares to Google Assassin.

There's absolutely NO comparison.

Wealthy Affiliate has years of proven history, which has proved that Wealthy Affiliate University has created Millions of Dollars for Affiliates... whereas Google Assassin's creator, Chris McNeeny, has had years of questionable products such as DJK Assassin (Google Assassin), Project Affiliate X, Adwords Miracle, Day Job Killer and Project Black Mask.

A few of those titles may have helped a few people get started -- but I'd bet money that there were more problems for the readers than solutions after reading the books.

Sure, Chris McNeeny has made Millions of dollars too... but for himself, selling HIS books that promised so much in his great sales letters.

Wealthy Affiliate has a ton of tools available to its members and is about to release a brand new version (Wealthy Affiliate 3.0) in the beginning of 2008.

But the forums are what makes WA so great. I've NEVER been a member of such a great forum, until now.

The WA Forums are simply amazing, to say the least. There's not just help given to it's members... there's literally GOLD MINES full of INSANE information for those who are REALLY trying to make money.

From Travis Sago to Kyle and Carson, the forums are packed full of some of the absolute best information I've ever read in my entire life, on Internet Marketing.

I'm sure there's a ton of people who still believe that there's something better out there. There may be... but it is probably very expensive and very hard to find, with all of the junk and hype out there.

I feel that I was very lucky to have found this website and I believe you will feel the same.

Check out Wealthy Affiliate University and learn how to make money online!

Wealthy Affiliate 2.0 has created a ton of money for their members. Isn't it time that you took advantage of the web and learned how YOU can make money, too?

Sign up now before the price goes up!